Choosing the right path in life, career and business
When you arrive at the next fork in the road of your life, career or business, how will you know which is the right path for you?
"The bigger your hammer, the more every problem looks like a nail.”
“Versatile managers are consistently regarded as the most effective leaders in their organisations.”
If this conclusion on research is true, then why wouldn’t you want to become more versatile as a leader?
"Should have gone to Specsavers?”
I wonder, do you take any notice of the advice about getting away from your screen a few times a day so you can rest your eyes?
By refocussing on something just outside the window or across the office (if you remember those days), you flex your eye muscles and you reduce the risk of long-term eye damage.
Thinking beyond the obvious - lessons from an anniversary
When my wife and I celebrated a significant wedding anniversary a few years ago, we decided to visit Edinburgh for a long weekend. As we set out excitedly on our journey one bright, sunny morning, we closed the front door behind us.
A few hours later, we had successfully reached our destination, the suitcases were unpacked, and we were getting ready for our evening meal.
Ask yourself the right questions
By asking yourself the right questions, you can discover the strengths and weaknesses of your underlying business assumptions, and help you respond flexibly in these uncertain times.
Wide-eyed risk taking
With the pressure on to make quick decisions so you can get ahead of the competition post Covid-19, it doesn’t always pay to trust your intuition. Recent history can shed light for us on a more effective approach to risk taking in a rapidly changing business landscape.