"Should have gone to Specsavers?”

I wonder, do you take any notice of the advice about getting away from your screen a few times a day so you can rest your eyes?

By refocussing on something just outside the window or across the office (if you remember those days), you flex your eye muscles and you reduce the risk of long-term eye damage.

Similarly, if all you do in business is look at what's in front of your nose, you risk losing your ability to see further ahead with any clarity.

How far ahead you need to look depends on your business and the market that you're operating in.

So, the impacts of Brexit and Covid-19 may mean you need only look a few weeks or months ahead. Or it could be more beneficial to look a little bit further.

Whether you're tied up in dealing with today's challenges or you simply don't know how to take those first steps of looking ahead, don't put it off or wait until it's too late. Start to change your focus this week and, if you need it, find someone to help you make a start. You won’t regret it!


Having a strategy really does produce business benefits


Thinking beyond the obvious - lessons from an anniversary