Choosing the right path in life, career and business

The bluebell woods near my home have been as good this year as I can remember, and it’s been easy to get distracted by the beautiful blue carpet stretching in all directions as I’m walking my dog each day.

In work as in life, we often reach a fork in the way ahead, but both paths can look the same from where we’re standing. When out for a leisurely walk, this might not be too serious an issue.

But if the decision point has important life, career or business implications, you owe it to yourself to look ahead beyond what you can currently see.

If you make your decisions based on gut instinct or your previous experience, the outcome may not be so bad, but hindsight may show that you had other, better options if only you had stopped to explore them.

I’ve really valued the advice of trusted friends, family members and colleagues over the years, but looking back I also wish I’d worked with a coach to bring that extra objectivity and perspective to really help me consider all the options and find out what I really wanted to do.

And that’s one of the main reasons I coach leaders now! When I talked things through with a coach, I was finally able to choose the right path for me, which enables me to help people like you to find the right path as well. Go on, get in touch. You won’t regret it!


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