Stronger Together: Building Cohesion in Leadership Teams
Welcome back to our journey through the 5C Senior Team Accelerator© Model, the 5-STA©! Last time, we explored ways to foster the vital connections within your team. But, to maintain those connections, especially in challenging situations, you need an extra ingredient. So today, we're delving into the second element of our model: Cohesion.
Cohesion within your senior leadership team is that invisible force that binds you together, ensuring harmonious work and alignment with the organisation's goals. Let's explore some key aspects to help you strengthen this essential unity.
In case you missed it, you can find out more about our 5-STA© Model:
read our blog at
download our white paper at
Common Purpose
Senior teams need clear, achievable objectives guiding them towards a common purpose and set of results. This clarity ensures everyone moves in the same direction.
'Us', not 'Me and Them'
Defining roles and expectations within the team prevents misunderstandings and conflicts. Understand your contribution to the team and the importance of collective success, not just your own.
Sense of Belonging
Cohesion extends beyond tasks to shared values and culture. Defining binding values, reinforced by participation and shared successes, creates a sense of collective identity, purpose, and achievement.
Practical Steps to Strengthen Cohesion
1. Align on Common Goals
Regularly revisit and align your team's objectives with the organisation's mission and vision.
Ensure everyone understands the overarching purpose for the team and their role together in achieving it.
2. Define Team Roles
Clarify individual roles and responsibilities within the senior team, where required.
Encourage discussions to establish consensus on how team members can complement each other's strengths.
3. Cultivate a Shared Culture
Promote shared values and cultural elements within your team.
Celebrate achievements and milestones that reinforce your team's collective identity.
Fostering cohesion within your senior leadership team is vital to achieving your organisation's goals and ensuring everyone moves in the same direction. In our next post, we'll explore what a cohesive, connected team can start to achieve together as we look into the third element of the 5-STA© Model: Collaboration.
Stay engaged and continue strengthening the cohesion that binds your team.
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